There is a Slider beneath the Preview Image. The default frame rate setting in the "Frames per second" spin box is the frame rate of the canvas you are previewing divided by 2. You can enter a "Frames per second" setting between "1.0" and "120.0". You can enter your frame rate setting directly into the "Frames per second" spin box, or use the spin box arrows to increase or decrease it. The number in the "Frames per second" spin box is a floating point number with one decimal place, so you can specify the frame rate accurate to a tenth of a second.

The "Frames per second" spin box allows you to increase or decrease the frame rate - the number of frames per second your preview will have. You can enter a value between "0.10" (lower quality) and "5.0" (highest quality). You can enter a number directly into the "Quality" spin box, or use the spin box arrows to increase or decrease it. The "Quality" spin box allows you to increase or decrease the quality of your preview. But, because Synfig Studio is so flexible, you can actually render a preview with a higher frame rate and a larger size than the canvas you are working on! Normally, to save time, previews are smaller and have a lower frame rate than the original animation. The "General Settings" allow you to adjust the quality of your preview – its size and its frame rate. If you want to close the Preview Options dialog box without starting to render a preview you can click "Cancel" or press Escape.

When you have finished adjusting these settings you can click "Preview" and Synfig Studio will start rendering your preview and open the Preview Window. It is divided into two sections: "General Settings" and "Time Settings". The Preview Options dialog looks like this: If you do either of these things the Preview Options dialog will appear.